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Thursday 10 December 2020

Mee Bhoomi Online Registration

 You can do Mee Bhoomi online enlistment and produce Mee Bhoomi passbook likewise gave you follow the means. You can check the AP land record i.e., Mee Bhoomi Adangal (Pahani), Mee Bhoomi ROR 1B reports, and different subtleties. 

Mee Bhoomi FMB 

The FMB or Field Measurement Book is an aggregation of guide information. It is put away in different volumes by the public authority. You can discover them at the Tehsildar office of the pertinent town. On the off chance that you need the individual review number representations, they can be found to the size of 1:1000 or 1:1200. The overview numbers are isolated into sub-divisions. 

Mee Bhoomi Village Map 

The Indian government has executed the midway supported plan in the National Land Records Modernization Program (NLRMP). Two existing halfway supported plans for land records computerization have been combined. This reinforces the income organization and updates land records. It is in the division of land assets and the service is the service of the provincial turn of events. The coordinated program modernizes the board of land records, limits the extent of land questions, improves straightforwardness in the land records upkeep framework, and encourages moving towards ensured decisive titles to steadfast properties in the nation. The computerization of all land records and the joining of printed and spatial records and transformations are the significant parts as are refreshing of all study and settlement records including the making of unique cadastral records. It is done any place fundamentally. Computerization of enrollment, the advancement of center GIS and limit building, and so on are additionally joined. There is a laying out of point by point prerequisites for cadastral records anyplace important. 

Mee Bhoomi Adangal 

There is nobody kind of site; rather there are various sorts. These are dispatched by the Andhra Pradesh government to support individuals who will have no trouble to audit their property records in AP. In Mee Bhoomi Adanga, all the significant parts of the AP land records gateway will be shared. In this article, you should follow the means of the system that you ought to follow to check the declarations and data concerning your property from the solaces of your home. 

Mee Bhoomi EC (Encumbrance Certificate) 

Encumbrance Certificate is an authoritative archive giving affirmation that the property is liberated from any question or doesn't have any financial or lawful risk like unpaid credit or a home loan. 

Mee Bhoomi 22A 

The state government has included area 22-A which denies the offer of land which has been advised as infertile land or allowed, vested, poramboke land. 

Mee Bhoomi ROR 

The ROR or record of rights is a report of property possession in Telangana. It has all the subtleties of proprietorship subtleties of land and property. It is kept in the Tehsil. 

Mee Bhoomi Passbook 

During the online application for land enrollment in the AP, you can get Mee Bhoomi Passbook after you give Aadhar Card and different reports. 


What is the Meebhoomi land record of Andhra Pradesh? 

Ans. The Legislature of Andhra Pradesh began the Meebhoomi gateway. It is a computerized land record safe, to keep up online records on plot subtleties and give access to people in general. 

As of now, the Meebhoomi entrance offers the accompanying subtleties: 

1. Landowner subtleties 

2. Zone, evaluation 

3. Water source, soil type 

4. Nature of ownership of the land 

5. Liabilities 

6. Occupancy 

7. Yield subtleties 

In what manner can I as the Land Owner download data on my territory and ROR? 

Ans. Landowners can download data ashore and Record of Rights (ROR) from the entry. Locally, these are known as Adangal and 1-B. 

What is Adangal? 

Ans. To keep up nitty-gritty land records for land, the land type, nature of the land, the liabilities, and diverse authority data, Adangal is kept up by the town organization 

What is a 1-B record? 

Ans. The 1-B archive is otherwise called ROR which is a concentrate of records of land. It is kept by the income office. A register used to be kept up by the office when there was no digitization. Today, it tends to be downloaded on the web. 

The most effective method to see change subtleties on Meebhoomi 

Ans. You can see Mee Bhoomi Portal see change records of any land in Andhra Pradesh. The method is as per the following: 

1. Visit the Mee Bhoomi Portal and snap-on '1-B' from the top menu and pick 1-B starting from the drop menu. 

2. Snap-on 'Change Information By Date Wise'. 

Meebhoomi entryway is given by the public authority of Andhra Pradesh to encourage admittance to and download 1B reports on the web. It is known as your property in English. Through this gateway, one can see the subtleties of the Village Adangal and land records online from your home. 

Meebhoomi gateway gives the accompanying subtleties: 

1. Downloading and printing 1B subtleties or land records 

2. Andhra Pradesh Adangal 

3. Overview Number 

4. Patta Names 

5. Passbook 

6. AP FMB 

7. Rectification in land records 

8. Aadhar card connecting with overview number on the web 

9. View the most recent exchanges that are refreshed on the entryway 

Login to the Mee Bhoomi site 

1. Go to a landing page 

2. Snap-on 1B and Village 1B 

3. Snap on the decisions like Survey Number, Account Number, Aadhar Number, Pattadhari Name or Holder Name, Automation Number 

4. Enter the Captcha Code 

5. Snap on the Submit button 

6. Presently Download and Print Document 

How would I download Passbook? 


1. Snap on the official site for Mee Bhoomi Andhra Pradesh 

2. Snap on the Menu Bar>Go to "Electronic Passbook">click on it 

3. Go to Account Number>Click A/c Number or Aadhar No. 

4. Enter District, Village, and Mandal Name as Shown on the enrollment page 

5. Enter the Account or Aadhar Number as chosen by you of your decision 

6. Enter Your Mobile Number of the candidate 

7. Enter the Captcha Code as appeared on the enrollment page 

8. Snap Submit and You would now be able to download the Electronic Passbook.

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