Patta Chitta 2020 - Best Property Blog in India | Property Blog | Real Estate Tips


Monday 11 January 2021

Patta Chitta 2020

The public authority is doing ponders since the dispatch of the term digitalization. Digitalization alludes to the way toward digitalizing certain significant archives identified with a specific cycle in the nation. One such archive which has been delivered by the public authority of Tamilnadu is known as the Patta report. The accompanying data is remembered for the record, for example, 

Proprietor name. 

The quantity of Patta. 

Overview number and region. 

Name of the particular area, taluk, and town. 

Measurements or zone of the land. 

Duty subtleties.

Regardless of whether the land is a Wetland or Dryland. 

The insights concerning area and income are shown to the inhabitants through the Chitta archive. Terrains are frequently separated into the accompanying classifications:- 

Wetland (nanjai) 

Dryland (punjai). 

Administrations accessible on patta chitta gateway 

Online application for Patta Chitta 

Check patta Chitta status 

Check patta declaration 

The move of Patta Chitta 

View register remove 

No application status 

Check poramboke land

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